10 Effective Remedies for Pimple Turned Into Hard Lump Under Skin

How to get rid of a pimple that's under the skin

Don’t you think pimples are annoying? But the annoyance can take on a whole another level if you see the pimple turned into a hard lump under the skin. That is termed a blind pimple, and it develops under the skin.

They can be invisible at a distance but can be felt if you run your fingers through the skin. They can also take on a slightly larger shape where the tip of the pimple is hard, red, and not to mention painful.

A Blind pimple may result from a nodule or cyst under the skin, and because of their position, they can be challenging to get rid of. However, the good news is that you can deal with it very easily by following some simple remedies. It is not, however, safe to try and soften the hard lump or try to pop it through the layer of skin.

Read on to learn some safe and effective methods to get rid of a blind pimple.

How to Get Rid of a Pimple that is Under the Skin

A blind pimple under the skin can be quite concerning. For some, it may go away on its own, but not all are that fortunate.

These are some methods you can try as soon as you spot a pimple under the skin.

1. Avoid Touching the Pimple

Avoid Touching the Pimple

This may not seem like a remedy, but it is important nevertheless. The urge to constantly touch a pimple is completely normal. But you must refrain from doing so. That is because our hands may carry some germs, which may cause tiny hard bumps to become something larger and more painful. In this context, avoid trying to pop the pimple or applying soap, oil, or makeup to it.

2. Warm Compress

Warm Compress

Blind pimples can be a cause of pain, and to relieve that, warm compresses work wonders. It will even bring the pimple toward the skin’s surface so that a head is visible through which the sebum and bacteria can exit. The warm compress should not be too so as to scald your skin but just enough to give you relief. Just boil some water, soak a clean cloth or cotton pad inside for 5 seconds, and then bring it out to apply to the area.

3. Use an Acne Patch

Use an Acne Patch

Acne patches are wound dressing or bandage that is mainly used to protect the pimple from further infection until it can heal and go down. Some patches may also have healing agents for pimples, such as salicylic acid. Pimple patches or acne patches can be bought easily over the counter in any drugstore.

4. Use a Product Containing Benzoyl Peroxide

Use a Product Containing Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl Peroxide is a very effective topical treatment option for acne. It helps in combatting the bacteria that cause pimples in the first place. Many kinds of products use this chemical compound, such as creams, cleansers, face washes, lotions, etc. Using any one of them will show results for sure.

5. Apply Tea Tree Oil

Apply Tea Tree Oil

Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, Tea Tree Oils is very well suited to treating acne. Multiple researchers have been conducted on this topic, and all have shown that tea tree oil has properties to improve acne. It means that this oil is not a cure but can help reduce the swelling and the pain each time a pimple pops up.

Before applying the oil, you need to patch test as oil can sometimes worsen acne. Take a small amount of the oil and apply it to the insides of your elbow. If the skin itches and burns, then the product is not for you. To apply on the affected area, first, clean your face and mix the tea tree oil with water in a 2:10 ratio, and then gently apply a little of the diluted oil on the hard bum with a clean finger. Repeat this twice a day until the acne is gone.

6. Use a Honey and Turmeric Paste

Use a Honey and Turmeric Paste

Honey is a well-known anti-microbial and bactericidal agent. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and astringent. A honey and turmeric paste can be of use to reduce redness as well as swelling associated with blind pimples.

All you have to do is mix ¼ of turmeric powder with ½ honey and apply this mixture to the acne area. Make sure to clean your face beforehand. Keep the paste on for 30 mins and then wash it off. Honey and Turmeric paste is an effective solution for when you see the pimple turned into a hard lump under the skin. Repeat the application at least once a day until you the bump is completely gone.

7. Epsom Saltwater Wash

Epsom Saltwater Wash

Epsom salt has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties, which makes it a very effective natural face cleanser to treat acne. It absorbs the excess oil that clogs the skin pores to cause pimples.

To use it, take 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt and put it in half a cup of boiling water. Take the mixture off the heat source and dab a cotton ball inside it. Now, use the cotton ball as a warm compress on the area affected by the blind pimple. Repeat it two to three times a day for fast results.

8. Use an Aloe-vera and Cucumber Mixture

Use an Aloe-vera and Cucumber Mixture

Both aloe vera and cucumber happen to be ingredients that are often added to products meant for sensitive skin. This is because both of them have soothing properties that reduce inflammation and irritation on the skin by combatting microbes that clog the pores.

Thus, making a mist out of aloe vera and cucumber can effectively get rid of acne under the skin. Mix some cucumber juice and fresh aloe vera gel in a spray bottle and spray this onto your face as a face mist. Be sure to apply it on the acne generously.

9. Charcoal Masks

Charcoal Masks

Charcoal is a known skin cleanser. It clears pores and unclogs skin by getting rid of excess oil accumulation as well as dead skin cells and sebum. That is why a charcoal mask can be a good remedy for pimples under the skin.

You can get readymade masks in cosmetic stores, but if you prefer a homemade one, then mix equal parts of rosewater, bentonite clay, and charcoal powder along with one or two drops of tea tree oil. The consistency should be thick enough to be applied to your face as a mask. You can either apply it to the affected area or use it all over your face. A charcoal mask is good for oily skin as well as effective for pimples.

10. Yogurt and Lemon

Yogurt and Lemon

Lemon has citric acid that acts as a natural bleaching agent, which evens out the skin as well as extracts dirt from the skin. Therefore, it is a good home remedy for getting rid of pimples under the skin.

Mix half a tablespoon of yogurt with a few drops of lemon and apply it to the affected area of the skin. Keep it on for 15 mins and then wash it off.

Medical Treatments for a Blind Pimple

If the pimples under the skin or blind pimples do not get resolved using home remedies, then they may be infected. If the pain does not subside and the swelling or redness keeps increasing, then you should consult a dermatologist and get prescribed medication to deal with this issue.

Here are the most common medical treatments available for Blind pimples:

1. Topical Antibiotics

Topical Antibiotics

The most common topical antibiotics that you can use to deal with blind pimples are clindamycin and erythromycin. They are available in gel forms, and you are required to apply them on the affected area once or twice a day. These are also used for long-term treatment of recurring acne problems, both under and on the skin surface. You will need to take these topical products along with something like Benzoyl Peroxide for best results.

However, it is best that you do not self-medicate and take the advice of either a druggist or a dermatologist because not all skin types are compatible with these antibiotics. Some sensitive skins may experience breakouts/irritation/redness on the application of the products.

2. Oral Antibiotics

Oral Antibiotics

Oral antibiotics can and should only be administered through a medical prescription. They are meant for more serious blind pimples that seem severely infected. The most common types of oral antibiotics for treating acne are doxycycline (Actilate), sarecycline (Seysara), and minocycline (Solodyn). Your doctor may prescribe these instead of along with the topic gel products.

3. Cortisone Shots

Cortisone Shots

When the pimples under the skin become visibly very large or swollen and is often extremely painful to touch, your doctor may suggest cortisone shots. It is directly injected into the cystic bump and can be quite painful. But these shots contain a small amount of steroids and can have some side effects from it. It can also cause thinning of skin and hypopigmentation.

Wrapping It Up

All in all, millions of people suffer from pimples on a daily basis, and while some fortunate ones only see acne once or twice a month, which goes away on its own, some others do not share the fortune.

Acne, for some, is a skin condition that they have to deal with for a long period of their lives. In such cases, it is better to seek properly administered medical treatment.

But if you see sudden bumps on your skin, with or without a white head, you can always try some home remedies or go to your nearest dermatologist for a quick consultation. The important thing is not to touch or pop the pimple. Popping it can cause an exposed wound and make it vulnerable to infection.

This can be a real headache for people with sensitive skin, who may experience more breakouts as a result.

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